Headshot of Kyle Hsu

Kyle Hsu


PhD Candidate, Stanford University


I'm a final year computer science PhD student advised by Chelsea Finn and Jiajun Wu. Much of my PhD has been generously supported by a Sequoia Capital Stanford Graduate Fellowship in Science & Engineering and an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship – Doctoral. I'm a bilingual Taiwanese-Canadian.

My recent research comprises two themes: (i) tooling and inductive biases for robot learning in the age of foundation models, and (ii) disentangled representation learning of high-dimensional data for interpretability and safety. I'm seeking full-time AI research and engineering roles related to these topics with a start date in Q2–Q3 2025.

Previously, I studied engineering science at the University of Toronto. This summer, I'm working on foundation models for robotics at Toyota Research Institute. In my free time, I like to ski & snowboard and play Soulslike & board games.

selected publications

robot learning

Evaluating real-world robot manipulation policies in simulation
Xuanlin Li*, Kyle Hsu*, Jiayuan Gu*, Karl Pertsch, Oier Mees, Homer Rich Walke, Chuyuan Fu, Ishikaa Lunawat, Isabel Sieh, Sean Kirmani, Sergey Levine, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn, Hao Su, Quan Vuong, Ted Xiao
CoRL 2024
DGR@RSS2024 spotlight
Vision-based manipulators need to also see from their hands
Kyle Hsu*, Moo Jin Kim*, Rafael Rafailov, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn
ICLR 2022 oral

disentangled representation learning

Tripod: three complementary inductive biases for disentangled representation learning
Kyle Hsu*, Jubayer Ibn Hamid*, Kaylee Burns, Chelsea Finn, Jiajun Wu
ICML 2024
Disentanglement via latent quantization
Kyle Hsu, Will Dorrell, James CR Whittington, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn
NeurIPS 2023

unsupervised meta-learning

Unsupervised curricula for visual meta-reinforcement learning
Allan Jabri, Kyle Hsu, Ben Eysenbach, Abhishek Gupta, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn
NeurIPS 2019 spotlight
Unsupervised learning via meta-learning
Kyle Hsu, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn
ICLR 2019

scalable abstraction-based controller synthesis

Lazy abstraction-based controller synthesis
Kyle Hsu, Rupak Majumdar, Kaushik Mallik, Anne-Kathrin Schmuck
ATVA 2019 invited paper
Multi-layered abstraction-based controller synthesis for continuous-time systems
Kyle Hsu, Rupak Majumdar, Kaushik Mallik, Anne-Kathrin Schmuck
HSCC 2018